The SDSA has been commissioned by the upon partnership to investigate the factors impacting on the turnover of Directors Children’s Services and recommend any actions that could improve this.
Existing research suggests that the average tenure of a DCS is 3.5 years. This study will examine why DCSs move on and what factors may influence this decision. The analysis will inform the sector and provide recommendations and/or actions that might be put in place to improve the situation and in turn, hopefully influence the sustainability of stable leadership in Children’s Services.
Survey Themes
- Investigating turnover patterns
- Identification, analysis and evaluation of common factors
- Exploring positive alternatives
- Success factors in recruitment and retention
- Exploring length of tenure and associated reasons
- Understanding destinations
- Motivations for moving and staying
Current and previous DCSs are invited to share their views through this online survey. The survey will explore various themes and offer the option to contribute further through an online focus group or discussion to develop potential case studies.
All information provided will remain fully confidential. The identity of those who volunteer for focus groups will be protected, and all content within the final report will be non-attributable and anonymised.
Later in the study, we will also be seeking the views of Council Chief Executives and Lead Members to gather some of their perceptions of this topic.
If you are also able to share this email with any previous DCSs, this would be greatly appreciated.
July 2022
Online survey opens
September 2022
Focus groups
October 2022
Confidential interviews
November 2022
Report published
SDSA is a not-for-profit organisation that works with children's services and education providers nationally. We have been commissioned to carry out this research by Staff College on behalf of the upon partnership.